
Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Thriving Women Conference

I am very pleased to join you for the Thriving Women Conference.

This conference is an opportunity for you to network and connect, to celebrate your achievements, to gather knowledge which will help you on your career journeys and not reflect on what works well for you and what you might like to change.

Throughout my career I have seen a generosity amongst women to support each other, and to mentor each other as well, and I hope that some long-lasting links and friendships may be forged amongst you during the next two days.

As Governor, gender equity is one of my key priorities. I have pursued the advancement of women in my diplomatic career and continue to do so now as Governor.

I am privileged to have the opportunity to engage with business women across many sectors of South Australia’s economy and society: in defence, government, business, the arts, research, the not-for-profit sector, multicultural communities and rural communities.

I believe the more we identify the women leaders of our community and celebrate their achievements, the more respect we generate in the community for women’s capabilities, and the more we inspire all South Australian women to dream big and take action to fulfil their own potential.

I thank WoTL for its vision to bring women together to discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with being a woman in agriculture in South Australia, and for bringing that vision to life with this conference.

Many of you reside in regional and rural areas and, through my visits to South Australia’s regions, I have seen firsthand some of the challenges faced by people working in the bush, including isolation, a lack of childcare and poor internet connection.

I have observed that women in country areas are often the backbone of their homes and their local communities, and I acknowledge all of you who are juggling multiple roles in your lives.

I have also witnessed country women’s considerable capacity for innovation and resilience, adapting to change and showing strong leadership, giving me great confidence in their ability to add huge value to our agribusiness sector in South Australia.

You are well placed to ‘Be the Change’, the theme of this conference.

Today, women make up approximately a third of Australia’s agricultural workforce, and approximately half of university enrolments in agriculture courses.

These numbers have been climbing slowly but steadily for decades now.

While this is encouraging, there is considerable way to go in terms of gender equity, particularly at the highest levels of industry.

Gender equity is not just an issue of fairness, it’s about outcomes.

Throughout my career I have observed that diverse leadership groups produce better decisions, as they are informed by a greater range of perspectives.

I encourage you all to use this conference as an opportunity to grow your confidence and to learn how to increase your visibility in your field.

It is important to see the ‘first woman’ in roles within industry, but it’s also important to see the second and the third and the fourth; to be role models for each other and for upcoming generations of women.

I’ve had a few firsts in my time, but I can thank Dame Roma Mitchell and Marjorie Jackson-Nelson for that fact that being a female governor is no longer seen as exceptional.


I thank WoTL as well as conference speakers, exhibitors and partners for their contributions to this event.

I wish you a productive and enjoyable two days, and it is my great pleasure to declare the conference open.

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