
Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron Volunteers Reception

On behalf of Her Excellency the Governor*, patron of the the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron, I warmly welcome you all to Government House.

Since 1869, the squadron has had a rich history of contributing to the sailing and maritime tradition of South Australia.

You have come a long way from the early days when members would meet in various waterside hotels.

Tonight we meet in the ballroom of the oldest Government House in Australia, surrounded by constitutional and royal tradition.

Chandeliers and artworks notwithstanding, Government House is a place where all South Australians should feel at easy, proud to celebrate the contributions they make to our community.

This place really is an oasis amongst the tumult of the city around.

This evening, we gather to celebrate the contributions of the volunteers and supporters of the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron.

The gift of your time and energy enables the squadron to flourish.

You are the lifeblood of the squadron.

While the squadron has a magnificent base at Outer Harbor, it is you, the members, who give it community; who give it life.

And I know many of you have been doing so for decades.

The warmth and camaraderie you generate is of great benefit to all members.

The squadron must be commended for the focus given in recent years to broadening the opportunities for women, young adults, and people with disabilities, to enjoy sailing.

These activities simply could not happen without the efforts made by you, the volunteers and supporters of the squadron.

You each bring different expertise and skills, different perspectives and passions, but you are brought together by your love of sailing and the sea.

You set the courses.

You conduct the music events, the social and quiz nights.

You operate the cruises, giving encouragement to newcomers or those just enjoying the sea.

You tend the garden and its lawns.

You collect the squadron's history, archive photos, and biographies - ensuring that these irreplaceable resources will remain available.

I know you do all these things with passion and care.

I thank you sincerely for your efforts and, on behalf of your patron, I wish the squadron the very best for its future.

*Delivered by His Excellency The Honourable Justice Mark Livesey, Governor's Deputy, on Her Excellency the Governor's behalf.

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