
Thursday, 23 May 2024

Reception to thank volunteers and supporters of St Andrew’s Hospital Foundation

Rod and I are delighted to welcome you to Government House during National Volunteer Week.

For almost 24 years the St Andrew’s Foundation has been working to support the hospital, not only in providing funding for state-of-the-art equipment, but also to enhance patient and family hospital experiences.

As many of us know, the two go hand-in-hand.

A trip to hospital can be daunting, but a bright, welcoming, modern environment alongside expert care and caring people can make a big difference to recovery.

As I travel the State as Governor, I am always inspired by the volunteers that Rod and I meet.

While roles differ, each person is dedicated to their tasks, exudes a deep sense of caring and is unstinting in making other people’s lives better.

It seems to be part of our DNA in South Australia. And for that our State is so much richer.

I know that similar dedication is the hallmark of the St Andrew’s Hospital Foundation volunteers.

Just this year alone, 100 hospital foundation volunteers have devoted nearly eight and a half thousand (8,460) hours of volunteer support in the hospital coffee shop and patient services.

You provide a warm welcoming smile, helpful direction on navigating the corridors, a cheery presence in the coffee shop, and companionship when people are feeling vulnerable or a little bit anxious.

As you would know, there are many reasons for volunteering: keeping active in retirement, giving back in thanks for St Andrew’s being there when needed, or gaining new skills and meeting new people.

For many it’s a dedicated contribution that has spanned many years, and for some, decades.

I will be delighted shortly to present certificates of appreciation to long-serving volunteers, including to Ros Griffiths for an incredible 30 years’ service.

Thank you all for your generosity of spirit. I know it is given from the heart.

I am sure that the more than 40,000 patients who receive care at St Andrew’s each year, including many from regional areas, appreciate your dedication.

I thank the board and staff of the foundation for your vision and hard work, alongside the supporters and donors for your generous support.


When Sister Janet Hay founded the hospital in 1936, it was in the spirit of philanthropy to ensure a state-of-the-art private hospital was established here.

Thank you all for continuing her mission through the wonderful work of the St Andrew’s Foundation.

You put into action the hospital’s motto “where care matters most.”

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