
Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Reception for the Helpmann Academy

Rod and I warmly welcome you to Government House to celebrate the Helpmann Academy and to thank its community of generous supporters.

As patron, it is my great pleasure this evening to mark 30 years of the Academy and to commend the contribution of this institution to South Australia’s artistic life.

As Governor I have the privilege – as does Rod -of engaging with our state’s abundant creative talent, including emerging visual and performing artists.

It is a joy to witness this talent each year at the Helpmann Vernissage, as well as performances Rod and I attend at the Adelaide Fringe and on other occasions.

As you well know, support for emerging creative professionals is needed more than ever.

The rising cost of living and the long-term impacts of the pandemic are adding to the pressures emerging artists already face when trying to build their careers.

We are all the beneficiaries of South Australia’s rich artistic and cultural life and we are all deeply grateful for it.

Supporting our emerging artists is vital to ensuring we continue to enjoy a high standard of artistic practice in our state, and maintain and grow our reputation for artistic excellence, both interstate and overseas.

I thank the Helpmann Academy for its innovative approach, in the spirit of Sir Robert himself, supporting artists when they need it most – at the beginning of their careers.

Your unique collaboration between the public and private sectors, and individual philanthropy, allow for a one-of-a-kind organisation which is uniquely placed to provide artists with what they need.

Grants, awards, fellowships and advisory services enable the Academy to walk alongside emerging artists as they make the transition from study to professional practice.

I am also pleased to see the Helpmann Academy’s commitment to building the reputation of its flagship annual events, including the Graduate exhibition and Jazz Awards, which have both run for nearly 30 years.

It is also great to witness the Academy’s commitment to growth and evolution, introducing new initiatives to expand its capacity to support artists.

Launched in 2021, the Creative Innovator program, which helps artists to develop their business models and entrepreneurial thinking, is a much needed vehicle to equip artists with the mindset and practical skills to earn a living from their practice.

It was also my pleasure earlier this year to launch the HA>NESS (Harness) initiative, a donor circle for young people which aims to harness the next generation of philanthropists in South Australia who share a passion for the arts and culture.


I thank the Helpmann Academy, and Helpmann Academy Foundation, boards and staff for their vision and dedication to the organisation’s goals.

I thank all the supporters and partners in the room this evening for their generous contributions to the Academy.

I trust that supporting the Academy, and seeing emerging artists take flight in their careers, brings you a great deal of joy and satisfaction.

Congratulations to the Helpmann Academy on reaching its 30th anniversary. Rod and I wish you all the best for the future as you support future generations of our community’s leading artists to launch their careers.

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