
Tuesday, 02 May 2023

Prince of Wales Awards Reception

Rod and I are delighted to welcome you to Government House to acknowledge the Prince of Wales Award recipients and their civilian employers.

We do so in a spirit of admiration and deep respect for those who serve our nation through the Australian Defence Force among our 31,000 strong Reservists.

From my visits to the Edinburgh Air Base and more recently to the Keswick and Warradale Army barracks, and indeed through my close association with the ADF throughout my professional life, I have been impressed by the manifest commitment and pride people take in their contribution and service to our nation.

As Governor I am honoured also to serve as Representative Colonel of the Royal South Australian Regiment, 10/27th Battalion. I note we have two award recipients from that battalion with us today.


It takes a special person selflessly to put themselves forward to serve their community by joining the Defence Reserves.

It takes a big commitment to juggle jobs and family life to train with the reserves and be called up at short notice for combat or peace keeping duties or to help a community reeling from a natural disaster.

The Australian spirit of helping your mates is at the heart of what you do.

I also commend the employers who stand alongside you. Your role is vital too.

It’s not easy temporarily to replace a hard-working employee when they are absent due to deployment, sometimes at short notice. It requires flexibility and effort.

Yet I am sure that the qualities demonstrated by our reservists: commitment, sense of duty, loyalty, motivation are qualities that you look for in your employees.

Thank you for your on-going cooperation and support. It is appreciated and valued.


The Prince of Wales Awards enable reservists to further their training and develop skills which are related to and directly benefit their civilian occupation and workplace.

In this way, transferrable skills can enhance the relationship between the Australian Defence Force and the community it serves.

The Prince of Wales Awards are an important catalyst in facilitating this relationship. The awards have longevity and their importance is demonstrated by the Prince of Wales agreeing in 1984 that the Citizens in Support of Reserve Forces Trust Fund awards should be renamed the Prince of Wales Awards.

To the Award recipients, I thank you for your dedication in keeping your knowledge up to date through further skills development that will enhance your workplace.

Rod and I wish you well for your chosen field of professional development, which I trust will prove valuable in all spheres of your life.


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