
Wednesday, 01 May 2024

MS Society Wellness Centre Opening

It is Rod’s and my pleasure, as joint patrons of the MS Society SA&NT, to be with you for the official opening of the Wellness Centre.

In just our brief glimpse of the centre as we arrived, we can see it looks magnificent and has a sense of welcome.

Congratulations! Your vision has been realised.

I know that behind the scenes it has been a big job to pack up and move from Hillcrest, then unpack the boxes and ensure everything is in its place here at Kilkenny.

Any opening of a new centre is a significant milestone in the history of the organisation, but more so as it coincides with your 60th anniversary year.

In that 60 years, the MS Society has come a long way. Back then, MS was a poorly understood autoimmune condition.

Since then, MS Societies around Australia have raised funds to provide vital services, support and awareness about this disease.

Today it is clear that this Wellness Centre has been designed with accessibility at its forefront and done so in collaboration with clients.

Because such a centre is much more than the facilities within its walls, important as they are.

It is a place for people living with MS to be supported and empowered to live their best lives.

A place of understanding to enhance quality of life for clients and their families. A place of hope.

By bringing together resources, programs and tailored services, you have a one-stop for a path to wellness.

It will become a hub to support remote and regional care.

This work is vital as more than 3,000 people in South Australia and the Northern Territory live with MS.

One to two Australians are diagnosed every day. Three out of four people diagnosed with the disease are women.

And the onset of the disease commonly occurs in the prime of life, between the ages of 20 and 40, when study, career-building, and plans for families and relationships are top-of-mind.

Clearly, such a diagnosis can be devastating and its unpredictable nature has the potential to sabotage plans and disrupt dreams.

With the number of people being diagnosed with MS on the rise, more people than ever need support to live well.

But thankfully there is hope. I thank the MS Society for being there, for helping people to chart their own futures, for investing in research and raising awareness. Hopefully one day there will be a cure.

This Wellness Centre will be a focal point for progress as the MS Society continues to tailor services to individual needs.

I thank everyone who has contributed to making this centre possible: the donors, board, staff, and builders.

Long may this Centre be a beacon of hope as we “navigate MS together”.

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