
Sunday, 16 June 2024

Lunch with Chinese Premier and delegation

谨代表 南澳大利亚州,热烈欢迎总理及中国代表 澳大利亚访问。

I am pleased to welcome you, Your Excellency, and your delegation to Australia, and especially to South Australia.

们高度重视 此次中澳双方 深度交流的机会,以进一步 加深 边联系与合作。

Our state values this important opportunity to deepen links between us.

It is a welcome step as Australia and China continue to stabilise our relationship, because the pandas are a reminder of the breadth of our connections to the many thousands of visitors who come to see them.

In April I visited China on behalf of the Government of South Australia, following visits by the Prime Minister and Minister Wong, Premier Malinauskas and the South Australian Minister for Primary Industries and the Regions, the Hon Claire Scriven.

This pattern of high-level visits - and now your own visit, Your Excellency - speaks clearly of the desire of both sides to take the relationship forward for mutual benefit.

During my visit I was pleased to work with the Chinese side to renew and further develop the trade, education and cultural ties between South Australia and China.

We look forward to strengthening our relationship:

  • through people-to-people connections, especially international students and tourists;
  • through strengthening our traditional industries, such as wine and seafood;
  • and through the industries of the future, like green steel.

In this spirit, I would like to propose a toast

  • to the success of your visit
  • to the South Australia-China relationship
  • and to the contribution both will make to the broader Australia‑China relationship.

Thank you.

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