
Thursday, 22 September 2022

Hills Small Acreage Field Day

Rod and I and our son Matthew are pleased to join you today at the Hills Small Acreage Field Days, the first such event in South Australia designed for people living on small acreages.

We love visiting the Adelaide Hills at any time and springtime is such a wonderful season to do so.

Recently Rod and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting Sophie’s Patch, and toured the Adelaide Hills Council region, even meeting a local – a koala at the award-winning Mount Lofty Ranges Vineyard.

Whenever we visit the Adelaide Hills and Mt Barker local government areas, we are struck not only by the magnificent landscapes and abundant produce of the Adelaide Hills, but also by the warmth of the people and their enthusiasm for the region.

And that is of course one of the attractions for others who wish to live in this magnificent place.

Less obvious, perhaps, in advance, but very apparent to those who live here or, like us, visit regularly, is the strong sense of community and mutual support.

Not just in times of need – and we can all think of those times – but in good times too.

Times like today.

Looking out over the recreation grounds site, it is wonderful to see so many exhibitors supporting this field day.

I thank the Rotary Club for recognising a need and staging this event as a service to the community.

I am sure the practical information, “how to” demonstrations and speakers will be invaluable to current and prospective Hills people.

While many people long for and indeed decide to take up a life in the hills, there are of necessity challenges to take into account.

Be prepared if you will on issues ranging from weed control, caring for animals, pumps and irrigation, and the important issue of bushfire preparedness.

Rod and I are looking forward to touring the exhibits shortly and meeting as many of you as we can.

It now gives me great pleasure to declare the Hills Small Acreage Field Days Open.

Coming events