
Thursday, 13 March 2025

Australian Science and Mathematics School Visit

I am pleased to join you today.

Thank you to student leaders for your warm welcome. The way we welcome and acknowledge each other is both a mark of respect and a signal of intent and encouragement. It’s one of the reasons I give an acknowledgement of country in language; to show respect to Aboriginal people and to encourage the study of indigenous languages across our population.

I am pleased to have engaged with ASMS students in the course of my role as Governor.

Government House recently hosted a SACE Merit Ceremony for 2024 award winners. I congratulate all the ASMS graduates who achieved a collective 5 merits in Research Project and Scientific Studies.

I congratulate your 2024 student cohort on their outstanding results and wish your 2025 Year 12 class all the best for their studies this year.

As Patron of Debating SA, last year it was also my pleasure, at Government House, to award Clara[1] with the Year 10 Debater of the Year prize in the 2024 Schools’ Competition[2].

During my 40-year long career – as a diplomat and public servant, now as Governor - I have learned that there is a deeper measure of success beyond simply achieving your goal.

It’s when you choose to learn from obstacles on your path and draw on your resilience and resourcefulness to overcome them.

Over time, this will develop your character, as well as give you an inner sense of strength and confidence to set yourself ambitious goals.

Resilience is crucial to any pursuit of leadership, and I encourage you all to think about opportunities to be a leader in your community.

There is much to be done, and our society needs advocates for change and citizens who are willing to take steps to shape a better future.

I was pleased to learn there many opportunities for ASMS students to develop their leadership skills and contribute to the school and broader community, such as through a Service Club, which raises money and awareness for important causes.

You also have an ‘Agency Agents’ group where students work collaboratively to improve student experiences, ensuring that learning is accurate, engaging and relevant, the school community is inclusive, and events are meaningful and well-organised.

I encourage you to take part in other leadership opportunities, as well, such as ambassadors at international science fairs, representing your school at events such as the DreamBIG festival, Open Nights, school tours and more.

As Governor of South Australia, I have the privilege of getting to know young people in local communities right across the state, through school visits like this one, as well as the presentation of awards.

I encourage you to pursue opportunities for service, volunteering and civic participation at school, and in your lives beyond.

I congratulate Hana, who in February was selected as one of 30 young people from across South Australia to participate in The Advertiser's Teen Parliament.

At Government House last November, I presented Student Citizenship Awards to Bolek and Nicole, as patron of the South Australian Branch of the Order of Australia Association.

A well-functioning democracy requires all of our society, including young people, to be involved as informed, active, engaged citizens. Diversity of participation is what helps make such a system strong.

And by the way, service is one of the main paths by which adult South Australians are invited to Government House, as well! I look forward to seeing you there in the years to come.

The Governor’s Civics Awards are presented annually and encourage students to deepen their understanding of the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship, as well as be active citizens in service to their communities.

Teachers can find out more on the Education Department or Government House websites, and we’d love to see entries from your school when 2025 entries open at the beginning of term 2.

Finally, to the staff, thank you for all that you do to assist your students, both academically and in their broader lives.

Students, I wish you the very best as you continue your schooling.

May you all pursue your highest potential, and in doing so, contribute not only to your own success, but the success of your school, our community, our state, our country and our world.

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