Thursday, 27 February 2025
Australia Day Citizen of the Year Awards Ceremony
Rod and I warmly welcome you to Government House to celebrate the 2025 Australia Day Citizen of the Year awards.
Australia has an ancient landscape and is home to an ancient culture.
We are a nation with many faces, many voices, and many opinions.
We value an environment of respect and openness, rather than division and rancour, although this is sometimes put to the test.
Our commitment to championing opportunity, diversity and inclusion are some of our greatest assets.
In our roles, Rod and I have the great privilege of meeting South Australians who epitomise these values through their contributions to our community.
During the past 12 months, we have engaged with South Australians across our state, working to create a better life for themselves, their families and their society and manifesting many different ways of being an Australian.
We have visited regional and remote areas, including the APY Lands, meeting professionals and volunteers dedicated to overcoming the challenges of distance and building strong, cohesive communities.
I’ve had the pleasure of presenting a range of awards to outstanding Australians, just like our award winners here this evening, in the Australian Honours system and Australian of the Year awards.
And I have visited dozens of primary and secondary schools, speaking directly with students about civics, as they come to understand the privileges and responsibilities of Australian citizenship, and what that means for current and future adult lives.
To our award recipients,
Congratulations on your awards and on giving the generous gift of your time to make our community strong.
You are the heart of our nation.
While I know you are not motivated by the thought of recognition, please understand this is one way your friends, peers and wider community can say thank you.
Your efforts across the categories of language and culture, inspiring women, and citizen of the year, are celebrated this evening.
Please be proud of what you do, because we are proud of you.
I also thank the Australia Day Council of South Australia for co-ordinating these awards and enabling us to recognise our unsung heroes.
Again, congratulations to all whose achievements reflect the very best of our nation.
Thank you for your contributions to our society and for making South Australia a more vibrant, inclusive and harmonious place for us all.