Daily Program

HE at APY Lands School watching the Irma
HE at APY Lands School watching the Irma

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

On Wednesday, Her Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and Mr Bunten continued their official visit to Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY Lands), where in the morning, they attended a community breakfast hosted by Murputja Aṉangu School, viewed a traditional Inma dance, toured the facilities and met with students.

Afterwards, in Nyapari, the Administrator and Mr Bunten met with Ms Ashleigh Tuck, Arts Centre Manager, Tjungu Palya, and engaged with local artists, before departing for Amata.

In the afternoon, in Amata, the Administrator and Mr Bunten visited Mai Wiru Regional Store, before departing for Walinynga/Cave Hill.

Afterwards, at Walinynga/Cave Hill, the Administrator and Mr Bunten met with Ms Brenda Douglas, niece of Stanley Douglas, Elder, and Ms Muṉa Kulyuru and were briefed on the Seven Sisters Tjukurpa, before travelling to Yulara, from whence the Administrator departed for Government House, Canberra.

During the day, residents from the Lutheran Homes Group toured Government House.

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