Daily Program

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

On Wednesday morning, Her Excellency the Governor and Mr Bunten continued their visit to the Eyre Peninsula, where they visited Streaky Bay Area School, received an overview of the school, and met with staff and students.

Afterwards, the Governor and Mr Bunten travelled to Cleve, where they met Mr Rex Crosby, President, Eyre Peninsula Field Days, and toured the Field Days.

Later, the Governor and Mr Bunten visited the Cleve RV Park, where they were met by Mr Phil Cameron, Mayor and Mr David Penfold, Chief Executive, District Council of Cleve, and toured the facility.

In the afternoon, the Governor and Mr Bunten, accompanied by Mayor Cameron and Mr Penfold, visited the Cleve Play Space, where they were briefed on the significance of the playground, and, afterwards, visited the Affordable Housing Estate.

Afterwards, at the Cleve Council Chambers, the Governor and Mr Bunten were briefed on the District Council of Cleve’s operations by Mayor Cameron and Mr Penfold, and met elected members Mr Colin Rayson, Mr Greg Claughton, Ms Kelly Richardson, and Mr Robert Quinn.

In the evening, the Governor and Mr Bunten departed Cleve for Elliston, where they hosted a dinner at which the guests were Mr Andrew McLeod, Mayor; Mrs Nikki Becker, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr Darren Becker; and Mr Ashley Traeger, Councillor, District Council of Elliston.

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