Daily Program

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

On Tuesday morning, at Prospect, Her Excellency the Governor and Mr Bunten visited Prescott College, where they addressed and took questions from the students.

Afterwards, at Government House, the Governor and Mr Bunten hosted a luncheon with patronage organisations linked to the Defence Force. Guests were Ms Annette Moore, Chair, Combined Ex Services Mess; Mr John Godwin, Chair, Military and Emergency Services Health Australia; Brigadier Michael Burgess, President, Defence Force Welfare Association - South Australia Branch; Mrs Helen Fischer, President, South Australian Women's Memorial Playing Fields Trust; Major Brett Grosser (Rtd), President, Association of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Service Men and Women; Ms Diana Hill, President, Navy League of Australia - South Australia Division; Mrs Jan Milham, President Australian War Widows (SA); Mr Lawrence Ng, State President, Air Force Association South Australian Division; Major Paul Rosenzweig OAM JP (Retd), President, National Malaya and Borneo Veterans Association Australia Inc (SA & NT Branch); Mrs Heather Willis, President, Legacy Club of South Australia and Broken Hill; Ms Tara Belton, Representing the President and Chief Executive Officer, Returned and Services League of Australia (SA/NT Branch); Mr Timothy Keeffe, Deputy Chair, Trojan's Trek; and Mr Andrew Mannix, Past Chair, Military and Emergency Services Health Australia.

In the evening, the Governor hosted a reception to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Multicultural Communities Council of South Australia.

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