Daily Program

Tuesday, 27 June 2023
On Tuesday, Her Excellency the Govenor continued her visit to flood affected areas in the Riverland, where in the morning, in Berri, she met with Ms Ella Winnall, Her Worship the Mayor of the Berri Barmera Council, and Mr Dylan Strong, Chief Executive Officer, for a briefing on flood damage and recovery efforts with the Council.
Afterwards, in Berri, the Governor visited the Berri Regional Secondary College where she met Mr Clinton Ridgeway, Principal, Mrs Donna Safralidis, Assistant Principal Wellbeing and Engagement, and Ms Emma Vallelonga, Community Connector, and students from the Our Town Initiative and Community Connector Program to discuss their roles during the floods and recovery.
Later, at Lake Bonney, the Governor met with Ms Julie Cook, River Murray Mallee Aboriginal Corporation, to discuss how the floods have affected Lake Bonney, including cultural aspects.
Afterwards, at Cobdogla, the Governor met with Mr Alan and Mrs Karen Thompson, Owners, Cobdogla Caravan Park, to discuss the impact of the flood on the business and tourism.
Later, at Loxton, the Governor met Mr Trevor Norton, His Worship the Mayor; Mr David Beaton, Chief Executive Officer; and Mr Andrew Waters, Director of Commercial & Community, Services, District Council of Loxton Waikerie, for a briefing on flood damage and recovery efforts.
In the afternoon, in Loxton, the Governor met with personnel at the Emergency Relief Centre, Centrelink Access Point, Arthur’s Baazar and Len’s/Ken’s Shed, followed by a visit to the Loxton Caravan Park, where the Governor met Ms Sam Obst and Mrs Sarah Copeland, Managers, followed by a visit to Kingston on the Murray before departing for Adelaide.
Later, the Governor placed a phone call to Dr Chris Sarra, speaker at the Institute of Public Administration’s 2023 Frances Adamson Oration, and Director-General, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland Government.