Daily Program

Tuesday, 12 September 2023
On Tuesday morning, at Government House, Her Excellency the Governor received the Honourable Peter Malinauskas MP, Premier of South Australia.
Afterwards, at Government House, the Governor received Mr Michael Streicker, Global President, and Ms Georgina Duckworth, Director of Client Services / Marketing, Sentinel Real Estate Corporation.
In the morning, at Hindmarsh, Mr Bunten undertook voluntary work at Meals on Wheels.
Later, at Government House, the Governor hosted a reception for the Child Development Council’s Charter Ambassador Program.
Afterwards, at Government House, the Governor received the Australian Ambassador Designate to Sweden.
Later, at SkyCity, the Governor addressed delegates accompanying the Premier on his upcoming trip to China, and afterwards, accompanied by Mr Bunten, attended a dinner hosted by the Premier to celebrate South Australia’s enduring economic, cultural, and community partnerships with China.