Daily Program

Saturday, 24 June 2023
On Saturday morning, at the West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL, Her Excellency the Governor, as patron and Honorary Life Member of The Returned and Services League of Australia SA/NT Branch, officially opened and addressed the 105th Annual Sub-Branch conference and presented the ANZAC of the Year Award to Mr Bill Hignett OAM.
Afterwards, at Christ Church North Adelaide, the Governor read the first reading at the Order of St John Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller – Priory of South Australia’s service of investiture and thanksgiving and installation of the Prior Elect.
In the afternoon, the Governor departed Adelaide for a visit to Renmark, where, at the Renmark Paringa Council Office, she met with Cr Margaret Howie, Deputy Mayor, Renmark Paringa Council, and Mr Tony Sivious, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Renmark Paringa Council, before departing on a tour of locations in Renmark which were affected by the floods, including the Twentyfirst Street Bridge.
Later at the Woolshed Brewery, the Governor met Mr Tom Freeman, Owner, Wilkadene Woolshed Brewery, and Mr Rob Hughes, Owner, River Murray Houseboats, and afterwards visited the BIG4 Renmark Riverfront Holiday Park.
Afterwards, the Governor visited the Renmark Paringa Council Office, where she received a briefing about Council’s flood preparation and recovery from the Deputy Mayor and Mr Sivious.
In the evening, at the Renmark Rowing Club, the Governor addressed the gathering at the 2023 Wharf to Woolshed Long Row Dinner, before returning to Adelaide.