Daily Program

Monday, 19 June 2023
On Monday morning at Verdun, Her Excellency the Governor attended the Hills Christian Community School Thanksgiving Service to celebrate the school’s 40th anniversary.
Afterwards, at Lot Fourteen, the Governor met with Ms Di Dixon, State Project Lead, Lot Fourteen, and Ms Carolyn Hewson AO, Member, Review Panel for the Tarrkarri: Centre for First Nations Cultures for a meeting and site visit.
Later, at Government House, the Governor hosted a farewell luncheon for Mr George Psiachas, Consul-General of Greece in Adelaide. Guests in attendance included Ms Adriana Christopoulos, Chair, South Australian Multicultural Commission; Ms Loula Dacolias, President, Festival Hellenika; Professor Andy Koronios, CEO and Managing Director, SmartSat CRC; and Mr Harry Patsouris, Principal, Patsouris & Associates.
During the day, members of the City of Burnside’s Over 65’s Group toured Government House.