Daily Program

Friday, 29 September 2023
On Friday morning, Her Excellency and Mr Bunten continued their visit to the Eyre Peninsula, where, at Port Lincoln, they had breakfast with secondary school representatives from Port Lincoln Secondary School, St Joseph’s School Port Lincoln, Port Lincoln Special School, and Navigator College.
Afterwards, the Governor and Mr Bunten, accompanied by Ms Diana Mislov, Her Worship the Mayor, City of Port Lincoln, and Mr Peter Bond, acting Chief Executive Officer, City of Port Lincoln, departed on a tour of Port Lincoln, where they visited Flinders Ports and Viterra Australia.
Later, at the SA Water Port Lincoln Depot, the Governor and Mr Bunten met with members of the Port Lincoln Maintenance Team and received a briefing on the Lower Eyre Peninsula supply network, and afterwards, visited the Lincoln Cove Marina.
In the afternoon, at The Fresh Fish Place and Seafood Eatery, the Governor and Mr Bunten attended a lunch hosted by the City of Port Lincoln, before touring the seafood factory.
Afterwards, the Governor and Mr Bunten, accompanied by Mayor Mislov and Mr Bond, continued their tour of Port Lincoln, where they visited the Ken Martin Studio and met Mr Ken Martin, sculptor and artist.
Later, at the Port Lincoln Foreshore, the Governor and Mr Bunten departed on a walking tour of the foreshore to view the Foreshore Playspace and Jetty Renewal Project, where they met with Barngarla woman and City of Port Lincoln First Nations Engagement Officer, Ms Evelyn Walker, and, afterwards, viewed bushfire risk areas on Western Approach Road; before viewing the Winter Hill Lookout.
In the evening, at Nautilus Theatre, the Governor, accompanied by Mr Bunten, officially opened the Centenary Showcase Concert, as part of the Port Lincoln High School Centenary Celebrations.
During the day, community members from Nuriootpa toured Government House.