Daily Program

Friday, 27 September 2024

On Friday morning, at the South Australia Police Academy, Taperoo, Her Excellency the Governor laid a wreath at the National Police Remembrance Day Memorial Service.

Afterwards, at the Adelaide Town Hall, the Governor, who is patron of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – South Australia, addressed the guests and presented awards at the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Awards ceremony.

Later, at Government House, the Governor received Ambassador The Honourable Jeff Bleich; Professor Colin Stirling, President and Vice-Chancellor, Flinders University; and Dr Rodrigo Praino, Director – Jeff Bleich Centre for Democracy and Disruptive Technologies, Flinders University.

Afterwards, the Governor was interviewed by Ms Jo Laverty, presenter, Adelaide Drive, ABC Radio Adelaide.

In the evening, at the Lion Arts Centre, the Governor attended a performance of ‘William Crighton with Special Guests’, presented by Guitars in Bars as part of the Adelaide Guitar Festival.

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