The Governor has a role in promoting South Australia and South Australian organisations by undertaking activities that promote, encourage and recognise South Australians across a wide range of community interest. The acceptance of Vice-Regal patronage from organisations and events which aim to improve the lives of South Australians is the principal way in which this support is extended.

The Governor has a role in promoting South Australia and South Australian organisations by undertaking activities that promote, encourage and recognise South Australians across a wide range of community interest. The acceptance of Vice-Regal patronage from organisations and events which aim to improve the lives of South Australians is the principal way in which this support is extended.
The Governor and Mr Bunten are patrons to more than 150 community groups in South Australia. They support and promote organisations involved in voluntary service, industry, education, the arts, sport and caring for those in need.
Organisations wishing to invite the Governor, the Governor and Mr Bunten, or Mr Bunten to accept patronage or another honorary appointment should make a request in writing.
- Background information about the organisation;
- A copy of the organisation’s Constitution and latest annual financial report;
- Details about the authorisation of the request (such as at an Annual General Meeting or by the executive);
- The organisation’s expectations of the Patron;
- Whether the Governor, Mr Bunten, or both, are sought as patrons.
As a general guide, Vice Regal patronage may be appropriate if an organisation has a South Australian-wide focus, conducts business on a not-for-profit basis and relates to the patrons’ interests or professional experience.
Adelaide Benevolent and Strangers' Friend Society Incorporated, The
Providing affordable housing to individuals and families living in South Australia who are low on incomes, and provides financial grants to people who are experiencing financial difficulty.
Adelaide Repertory Theatre Incorporated, The
Providing community events for aged, youth and other community theatre companies.
Adelaide Sailing Club Incorporated
Formed from the union of Glenelg Sailing Club with Holdfast Bay Yacht Club in 1998.
Adelaide Youth Orchestras
Providing world-class development programs and career pathways for South Australia’s brightest young emerging musicians.
Air Force Association South Australian Division Incorporated
Providing services for the benefit of and in the interest of members, current and ex members of the RAAF and their dependants, former members of Her Majesty’s Air Forces , and other persons approved under the Air Force Association (SA Division) Constitution.
Amicus Global Incorporated
Socio-cultural organisation based in Adelaide, South Australia, dedicated to the advancement of inter-culturalism, support of Commonwealth of Nations and various global humanitarian projects, and patronage of emerging visual and performing artists.
Apprentice Employment Network (South Australia)
The peak body representing a network of independent, not-for-profit Group Training Organisations in South Australia.
Archery South Australia
South Australia's principal archery organisation, and one of the premier archery bodies in Australia, operating entirely through the efforts of volunteers.
Association of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Service Men and Women (SA Branch), The
Providing practical support, assistance, advice and camaraderie to former disabled Australian Defence Force members and their families across the state.
Athletics South Australia
Offering athletics competitions and services for athletes of a variety of ages and abilities, from recreational participants through to elite participants.
Australia Day Council of South Australia
To recognise inspirational people and communities, embrace and encourage diversity and inclusion for all Australians through Programs and Events.
Australian Institute of Building - South Australian Chapter, The
A professional member based organisation established to represent construction industry individuals from South Australia.
Australian Migrant Resource Centre
Specialising in humanitarian and migrant settlement, and community capacity building and development for young people, women and other migrants.
Australian Red Cross - South Australia
Aiding with disasters and emergencies in Australia and internationally, helping migrants in transition, assisting First Nations people and communities build on their strengths to lead systematic changes and have more opportunities to shape their own futures, assisting people in the justice system, providing community services, and providing life-giving blood, plasma, transplantation and biological products.
Australian War Widows (SA) Inc
Providing friendship, support and various activities for members experiencing difficulties coping with the loss of their lifelong partner.
Australian-American Association in South Australia Inc
Aiming to foster and promote better understanding, mutual appreciation and friendly cooperation between the peoples of Australia and the United States of America.
Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, The (Patron-In-Chief)
A community-focused centre devoted to generating ideas and solutions to achieve cohesive, sustainable societies.
Catherine House Incorporated
Providing accommodation and support services for women over the age of 18, unaccompanied by children, experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
Clipper Ship City of Adelaide Ltd
Dedicated to preserving the historic 1864 City of Adelaide, and making it the centre-piece of a seaport village in Port Adelaide's inner harbour.
Committee for Adelaide
Brings together businesses, industry bodies, community and government to shape the future of Greater Adelaide.
Commonwealth Club of Adelaide, The
Formed in 1910 by Stanley H Skipper to establish a forum, whereby speakers could be invited to address members on topics of community interest.
Community Living Australia
Assisting individuals living with disability through the provision of support services, programs and community engagement opportunities.
Debating SA
Providing supportive and challenging opportunities for school students of all abilities to debate in an exceptionally well-run, friendly, and professional program that is challenging, enjoyable, and fun.
Diabetic Association of South Australia Incorporated, The (Diabetes SA)
Providing education programs and professional diabetes management advice, as well as funding research to provide better outcomes for people at risk or living with diabetes.
Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - South Australia, The
The Award is a leading structured (non-formal education) youth development program, empowering all young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential regardless of their location or circumstance.
Embroiderers' Guild of South Australia Inc, The
Promoting the practice, study, and appreciation of embroidery in all its forms and encourages excellence by practice and example.
Epilepsy Association of South Australia and the Northern Territory Inc (Chief Patron)
Providing high quality support, counselling, training, practical assistance and advocacy on behalf of people with epilepsy.
Foodbank SA
Foodbank is Australia’s largest food relief organisation, operating on a scale that makes it crucial to the work of the front line charities who are feeding vulnerable Australians. Foodbank provides more than 70% of the food rescued for food relief organisations nation-wide.
General Sir John Monash Foundation
Investing in outstanding Australians from all fields of endeavour who demonstrate remarkable qualities of leadership and have the ability to deliver outcomes and inspire others for the benefit of Australia.
Girl Guides South Australia Incorporated
The largest youth organisation for girls and young women in South Australia, providing a non-formal education program that is dynamic, flexible and values-based.
Girls' Brigade South Australia Incorporated
Equips girls and young women in life and leadership skills while building up their faith and relationship with Christ in a safe and secure environment.
Guide Dogs SA/NT
Using expertise in dogs and vision to promote independence, participation, inclusion and wellbeing for people with low vision, blindness or specialised support needs.
Heart Foundation in South Australia (National Heart Foundation of Australia)
The Heart Foundation's purpose is to improve the heart health of all Australians through prevention, care and research.
Helpmann Academy
Supporting emerging creatives, promoting South Australia as a centre for excellence in creative education, and contributing to the artistic community of the state.
Historical Society of South Australia Incorporated
Providing information which increases awareness of the history of South Australia, as well as hosting monthly lectures for members and the general public, and providing small grants to assist publications.
Hutt St Centre
Hutt Street Centre is a safe place of hope, warmth and belonging, providing essential and professional services to meet the needs of homeless and vulnerable people in the inner city of Adelaide.
Inner Wheel District A70 South Australia
Supporting many local community charities including schools, hospitals, children, youth and a range of needy organisations.
Leaders Institute of South Australia
Developing leaders and impact projects by providing unique and unforgettable development experiences for South Australia's emerging and established leaders, so they can positively impact South Australia.
Legacy Club of South Australia and Broken Hill Inc
Protecting the basic needs of individuals and families by; advocating for entitlements, rights, and benefits; assisting families coping with bereavement and helping people thrive despite their adversity and loss; providing care and support to the families (widows, widowers, children, and disabled dependents) of our incapacitated and deceased veterans.
Lions Medical Research Foundation SA
Providing important funding for health and cancer research, assisting greatly in the development of various cures and treatments.
Local Government Association of South Australia
A membership organisation which provides service and leadership relevant to the needs of member councils.
Lyceum Club Adelaide Inc
Representing a centre for lectures and discussions, aiming to provide a welcoming and intellectually stimulating environment for educated and energetic women.
Migration Museum Foundation
Researching, collecting and sharing the state's history through exhibitions, education programs and community engagement to celebrate South Australia's cultural diversity.
Mothers' Union in the Diocese of Adelaide, The
Support marriage and family life, especially through times of adversity, tackling the most urgent needs in relationship and communities.
National Council of Women of South Australia Incorporated (Patron-in-Chief)
An umbrella organisation representing and promoting the interests of women by advocating for decisions within political, economic and social institutions.
National Malaya and Borneo Veterans Association Australia Inc (SA & NT Branch), The
Striving to keep alive the memories of those who served and who made the ultimate sacrifice during the Malayan Emergency and Indonesian Confrontation.
National Trust of South Australia (Patron-in-Chief)
To promote, protect and conserve South Australia's natural, built and cultural heritage by managing heritage sites, advocating for nature conservation and delivering training and learning events for people across the state.
Naval Association of Australia - South Australian Section, The
To care for and commemorate ex and current Navy men and women, train and assist youths to become better citizens, and to interact and socialise with like-minded people and the broader communities.
Navy League of Australia - South Australia Division, The
To promote Australia's strong Navy and maritime industry, promote defence self reliance by supporting manufacturing, shipping and transport services and to encourage the interest of Australian youth in the sea and sea services.
Netball South Australia
To encourage people to play and find enjoyment in the sport of netball, and to enrich lives, enhance communities and inspire generations through the sport.
No Barriers Education Foundation Incorporated
Assisting Zimbabwean children and youth to overcome barriers to education, encourage their learning and to create opportunities for them to thrive.
OARS SA and Community Transitions [Offenders, Aid and Rehabilitation Services of SA]
Advocate for better public policy to reduce the overuse of incarceration, implement Restorative Justice and improve community safety.
Operation Flinders
Transforming the lives of young people through quality remote outback adventure programs.
Order of Australia Association - South Australian Branch, The
Raising awareness about the Order of Australia and promotes high quality nominations for appointments and awards that reflect the diversity of the Australian community.
Prior Order of St John - Priory of Australia, The (St John Ambulance)
Working in the Service of Humanity to help those that are in sickness, distress, suffering or danger.
Organ Music Society of Adelaide Inc
Raising awareness about the Order of Australia and promotes high quality nominations for appointments and awards that reflect the diversity of the Australian community.
Pioneers Association of South Australia Incorporated, The
Perpetuating the memory of the pioneer settlers of South Australia and promoting their unique history.
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (South Australia)
Protecting the health of existing and future generations of men in Australia, improving the quality of life for Australian men diagnosed with prostate cancer and their families
Recitals Australia
Recitals Australia is an Adelaide-based non profit organisation that provides performance opportunities, support and educational incentives for talented emerging South Australian musicians (or South Australians who are temporarily residing interstate or overseas).
Returned and Services League of Australia (SA/NT Branch) Inc, The
Supports public debate, education, and increased public awareness of issues relating to the Veterans’ Affairs portfolio.
Rostrum SA/NT
Helps their members improve their public speaking and meeting skills and confidence in public presentations.
Rotary Adelaide and Rotary South Australia Centenary
Offering opportunities for volunteering, fundraising and friendships across a broad range of local and international projects, sharing a need to help others and change lives through positive community impacts.
Rotary Club of Adelaide Incorporated
Offering opportunities for volunteering, fundraising and friendships across a broad range of local and international projects, sharing a need to help others and change lives through positive community impacts.
Rowing South Australia Inc
To promote, provide and administer rowing to create opportunity for all to enjoy the sport.
Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia Inc
Contributing to the promotion and success of South Australia’s primary industry through the staging of events and the rewarding of excellence.
Royal Association of Justices of South Australia Inc
Enables justices to provide best practice service to the community by ongoing professional development and support while also advocating on matters affecting justices.
Royal Automobile Association of South Australia Inc
Advocates on mobility and road safety issues for all road users, including motorists, public transport users, cyclists and pedestrians.
Royal Commonwealth Society - South Australian Branch
Supporting campaigns and activities that connect to Literacy, the Environment, Connected Communities, and Equity and Inclusion.
Royal Flying Doctor Service - Central Operations
Delivering emergency aeromedical and community healthcare services throughout South Australia and the Northern Territory, be it an aeromedical evacuation, a GP and Community Health Nurse clinic, a telehealth call, a mental health or oral health clinic, or a child's immunisation.
Royal Humane Society of Australasia Incorporated, The
Giving public recognition to acts of bravery by bestowing awards on those who risk their own lives in saving or attempting to save the lives of others.
Royal Over-Seas League of South Australia Incorporated - South Australia Branch
Giving assistance to international travellers in arranging accommodation, not only in London HQ, but also with reciprocal clubs elsewhere in the world, as well as publishing a quarterly Newsletter, holding bi-monthly luncheon functions with guest speakers, ad hoc events, conducting outings during the warmer seasons and an Annual Dinner.
Royal Society for the Blind of SA Incorporated, The
Assisting South Australians who are blind or vision impaired to achieve the quality of life to which they aspire.
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SA) Inc
Defending the dignity of animals, while fighting to prevent animal cruelty. Offering shelter, education, medical attention and love.
Royal South Australian Society of Arts Incorporated
Maintaining a membership of creative artists in the media of art, and encouraging artists to showcase their art the RSASA's wonderful gallery, as well as presenting about a dozen exhibitions each year.
Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron Incorporated
Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies - South Australia Inc
Updating members and the general community on Defence and Security matters through newsletters, guest speakers at monthly luncheons, current issue briefings and a library service.
Ryder-Cheshire Mount Gambier Home Foundation
Providing the best accommodation in a caring, respectful and compassionate environment for people living with a disability in our community.
Sammy D Foundation
Educating young people on the impacts of bullying, violence, and drug & alcohol misuse by providing relevant age appropriate information, knowledge and tools.
Scouts SA (Chief Scout/Patron)
Contributing to the education of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.
Soroptimist International - Region of South Australia
Improving the lives of women and girls through a global network of members and international partnerships.
South Australia's Charter for Children and Young People
Reflects a commitment to work from a foundation of state, national and international children’s rights including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and other human rights instruments.
South Australian Country Choral Association
Stimulating interest and participation in choral music and related activities, linking choral musicians throughout the country and nurturing growth of all choral activities.
South Australian Country Women's Association Incorporated, The
Promoting the welfare and conditions of life for women and children, of all ages, whether in the city or country.
South Australian Cricket Association Ltd
Responsible for co-ordinating international and domestic cricket matches, coaching and development programs for boys and girls, umpiring and ground management.
South Australian Film Corporation
Focuses on supporting, positioning and championing South Australian screen businesses to achieve creative excellence and prosperity, contributing to a robust South Australian economy and creative vibrancy through production of a diverse slate of feature film, television and digital screen projects.
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
Committed to inspired research leading to better health for all.
South Australian Jockey Club Incorporated
South Australia’s largest, and premier racing club, playing host to 43 days of racing action throughout the year at Morphettville Racecourse.
South Australian National Football League Inc
Providing opportunities for South Australians to get involved with football whether it be as a player, administrator, coach, umpire, volunteer, or supporter.
South Australian Parliamentary Bowling Club
South Australian Sea Rescue Squadron Inc, The
Providing a cost effective and high standard volunteer marine rescue service to the boating public of SA.
South Australian Women's Memorial Playing Fields Trust Incorporated
Assisting in the maintenance and enhancement of the Playing Fields for the use of sports women in South Australia, and maintaining the public memorial status of the Playing Fields in accordance with the wishes of the forebears who developed the site.
Surf Life Saving South Australia
Providing emergency and rescue services, surf sport competition and training and education to the community, government and private companies.
SwimmingSA Incorporated
Providing a strategic pathway leading to increased participation and athletic achievement for South Australians committed to the sport of swimming
Tennis SA
Committed to helping our tennis community thrive, and to provide ongoing support so our clubs and courts are open, accessible, and inclusive for all.
Trojan's Trek
Trojan’s Trek plan, conduct and evaluate wilderness based peer support interventions to assist service, ex-service, and first responders, adversely affected by their service.
United Nations Association of Australia - South Australia Division Incorporated
Holds a wide range of events each year to raise awareness about important international issues from human rights to peacekeeping, celebrate the work of the United Nations, and advocate for a more peaceful and just society.
Victor Harbor Horse Tram
The daily Horse Drawn Tram service is the only all-year operation of its kind in the world.
Victoria League for Commonwealth Friendship South Australia Incorporated, The
Aiming to welcome and assist all members and visitors from every part of the Commonwealth, giving hospitality, organising events and issuing a diary of events. It also provides hostel accommodation for Commonwealth students.
Volunteering SA&NT Inc
Working with individuals, organisations, businesses and communities to support, grow and celebrate volunteering.
Women's and Children's Hospital Foundation
Improving the health and wellbeing of women, children and families under the care of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and its associated Health Network.
Women in Innovation SA
A non-for-profit initiative that exists solely to support innovative women in South Australia.
YMCA South Australia
Providing a broad range of community development activities including youth empowerment, aged card and disability services.
Zahra Foundation Australia
Providing financial counselling services, educational groups, individual support and emergency relief in the form of Grants to women and their children impacted by Domestic and Family Violence.
Adelaide Harmony Choir Incorporated
Since its inception the choir has built a fine reputation in the performance of oratorios and classical choral works. Its repertoire includes oratorios by Bach, Handel, Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Verdi, Elgar, Haydn, Walton, Britten, Rossini, and Lloyd Webber.
Adelaide Male Voice Choir Incorporated
The Adelaide Male Voice Choir is an all–male choir with a singing strength of about 40 members, dedicated to living up to its motto – “Celebrating Choral Excellence”.
Australian Lions Hearing Dogs
Providing Australians who are deaf or hard of hearing a set of ‘furry ears’ free of charge.
Bowls SA
Bowls SA is the governing body of Lawn Bowls in South Australia and has over 200 clubs in the metropolitan and country areas and over 19,000 registered members
Community Language Schools SA formerly Ethnic Schools Association of South Australia Inc, The
Promoting activities for the development and benefit of ethnic schools, the teaching of languages, history, geography and cultures of ethnic communities, promoting inter-ethnic school social and cultural activities, developing communication and co-operation between ethnic schools authorities, and co-operation with teachers, schools, and institutions involved in languages.
Cook Society - South Australia, The
The Captain Cook Society has an international membership from countries such as Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States, receiving a free quarterly publication called Cook's Log.
Orchid Club of South Australia Inc.
Aiming for the advancement and appreciation of orchids – including their natural history cultivation development and hybridization, as well as the preservation and propagation of all species of orchids
Rose Society of South Australia Incorporated, The
To encourage, improve, foster and extend the cultivation and appreciation of the Rose, to arrange, sponsor, and/or conduct talks, demonstrations, exhibitions and shows, and to do all such other things as may be incidental to the attainment of these objects
Scientific Expedition Group Incorporated
Promoting and running expeditions of a scientific, cultural and adventurous nature, to encourage knowledge and appreciation of the natural environment, to promote the values and philosophies of wilderness to develop skills required for competent field work, and to develop interpersonal skills by living and working towards a common goal.
South Australian Exchange Teachers' League
Providing ongoing personal and professional support, to participants involved in South Australian Department for Education exchange programs, inbound and outbound.
Travellers' Aid Society in South Australia Inc, The
Empowering people with travel related challenges to connect, engage and participate within their communities through the use of public transport.
Veteran Car Club of South Australia, The
Catering for those with an interest in cars and motorcycles manufactured prior to January 1, 1919, and providing resources to serve, preserve, and restore the social use of historical motor vehicles, as well as developing and maintaing the expertise and knowledge on veteran and historic motor vehicles.
Advancing Youth Foundation Incorporated (formerly Boys' Brigade)
Empowering disadvantaged young people aged 10 to 18 years with digital technology so they can live their best lives.
Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc
Providing free and independent advocacy services across SA, to assist older people (and/or their representatives) to uphold their human rights where disputes arise, who are living in an aged care facility, receiving aged care funding assistance, or are experiencing, or have experienced abuse.
Autism SA
Dedicated to providing a continually expanding range of quality, innovative services and supports that meet the specific needs of individuals and their families, as well as associated professionals and organisations.
Bay to Birdwood
One of the world’s great historic motoring events as well as the largest continually-held motoring event for veteran, vintage and classic vehicles anywhere in the world.
Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation
Funding evidence-based research to better understand what causes mental illness, how to reduce its impact and ultimately prevent mental illness from happening in the first place.
Cara Incorporated
A leading NDIS disability service provider working alongside people with disability across metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia.
Carer and Community Support SA
A not-for-profit organisation providing a one-stop support service to people caring for a loved one in Adelaide’s eastern and southern suburbs.
Carers Association of South Australia Incorporated
Leading change and empowering Carers to participate in partnership with the government and the health and community sectors for the provision of better services, to improve the conditions under which unpaid Carers work, and to increase the recognition of the contribution of unpaid Carers to the South Australian community.
Carols By Candlelight Association (SA)
Through the Sealink Carols by Candlelight, St John can secure much needed community support to continue its life saving work across South Australia.
Catalyst Foundation
A not-for-profit organisation that connect people to services and provides free and independent information to South Australians.
Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation of South Australia Incorporated
Supporting and encouraging quality research into children's health, education and welfare within South Australia's world class research and service organisations, as well as fostering research talent and career opportunities for young SA researchers through Early Career Researcher Grants.
Childhood Cancer Association Inc
Providing counselling, support and other services to children with cancer and their families.
Children's Week Association of South Australia Incorporated
A national annual festival that includes a diverse range of healthy lifestyle activities that focus the attention of the wider community on children’s education, care and wellbeing and the recognition of children’s achievements.
Combined Ex Services Mess
Is an older people’s movement and the peak body that represents the rights, interests and futures of the more than 698,000 South Australians aged 50+.
Cottage Homes Incorporated, The
Providing older South Australians with access to safe, secure, and affordable rental accommodation.
Cystic Fibrosis South Australia
Providing information for people with cystic fibrosis and their families to get the right information, medical treatment, and emotional, social and financial support.
Defence Force Welfare Association - South Australia Branch
Promoting and protecting the interests of serving and former members of the Australian Defence Force and their families.
Educators SA (formerly known as The Council of Education Associations of South Australia)
Supporting educators by providing professional learning and training to current and aspiring educators, advocating for educators with government and all education sectors, developing networks of educators including country educators and preservice teachers, conducting the annual gala World Teachers’ Day Awards Ceremony, organising major events for educators and the education community including conferences and celebrations, and helping to change education for the better.
Elder Conservatorium Circle
A group of supporters who raise funds to support the Conservatorium's ongoing mission to help students achieve the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for professional employment and musical growth.
Friends of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Inc, The
Supporting one of South Australia’s most valuable cultural assets by raising funds for the Orchestra and providing ASO Friends with access in a variety of ways.
Friends of the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide Incorporated, The
Fostering interest in the activities of the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and raise funds for the benefit of the Gardens.
Friends of the State Library of South Australia, The
Raising funds through donations, bequests, functions and surpluses from the production and sales of literacy products such as collectable books.
Friends of the State Opera of South Australia Incorporated, The
Providing opportunities to stimulate, educate and entertain in a collegiate and friendly setting.
Grandparents for Grandchildren SA Inc
Providing comprehensive support to Grandcarers through financial assistance, personal support, information provision, and advocacy, and aiming to empower Grandcarers to achieve positive outcomes for themselves and the children in their care.
Hospital Research Foundation Group - Parkinson's
Providing a healthy community and wellbeing for everyone by maximising choice, independence, mental health and wellbeing for people impacted by Parkinson’s or other neurological and movement disorders through support, education, advocacy and research.
Ice Factor Foundation Incorporated
Assisting schools in their efforts to keep at risk students at school, as most show a high probability of leaving prematurely.
Lighthouse Disability Ltd
Working alongside adults living with complex and diverse disabilities across North and North Eastern Adelaide to provide individualised support to live their life.
Masonic Charities Trust, The
Supporting research and delivery of health initiatives and other beneficial community activities throughout SA and the NT which have relevance to and alignment with Freemasonry's underlying charter of benevolence
Meals on Wheels (SA) Inc
Providing support to members of the community to live independently through the delivery of fresh, seasonal, nutritious meals.
Military and Emergency Services Health Australia
Working with military and emergency service communities to deliver research, programs and training to current and former serving military and emergency service members and their families to optimise and sustain their mental health and wellbeing.
Minda Incorporated
Advocating for and working towards a truly inclusive community, a society in which everyone has equal access, respect and opportunity to participate by enabling people with an intellectual disability to achieve their health and wellbeing goals and live their best life possible.
Multiple Sclerosis Society of South Australia and Northern Territory Inc, The
Providing information, education, connection, care and support to people living with multiple sclerosis across South Australia and Northern Territory.
Music Teachers' Association of South Australia Inc, The
The professional association for private studio music teachers, and endeavouring to promote musicianship and general aspects of studio music teaching.
Providing rehabilitation, therapy, early intervention, community inclusion, assistive technology and disability services to people living with disability, as well as support for their families and carers.
Operation Flinders Foundation Inc
Creating opportunities for young people facing challenges through adventure therapy programs that provide demanding experiences, personal development and pathways to wellbeing and life success.
Providing people with disability the opportunity to live and work within their local community, to fulfil their dreams, and become valuable and productive community members.
Palliative Care South Australia
Representing palliative care providers, the community and people experiencing a serious illness, dying, death and grief, as well as those with an interest in palliative care across South Australia.
Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association of SA Incorporated, The
Providing relief to people living with disability and to enable them to fully participate in the community
Playgroup SA
Non-profit, community organisation committed to providing quality services and support to families with young children across South Australia
Quilters' Guild of South Australia Incorporated
Promoting the act of patchwork and quilting, providing a forum for quilters in South Australia, and encouraging the formation and maintenance of quilters groups within South Australia.
Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children Central Region
Providing surgical treatment for children in Australia and New Zealand from developing countries from our Pacific region in the form of life giving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible to them in their home country.
Royal Adelaide Golf Club Inc, The
Royal Aeronautical Society - Adelaide Branch
Providing grants and scholarships for further education in the aerospace industry, promoting the science of aerospace engineering, providing lectures and presentations to members and the public, and awarding prizes for outstanding achievements in the field of aeronautics.
Royal Caledonian Society of South Australia Inc, The
A family oriented group that embraces all elements of Scottish Heritage, and the encouragement of music through training, teaching, performing, displaying, providing information, judging and critiquing Scottish music, whether or not accompanied by dancing, piping or drumming.
Royal Geographical Society of South Australia Inc
Advancing geographical science and promoting public awareness and enjoyment of Geography and related topics.
Royal Life Saving Society Australia - South Australian Branch
Providing water safety programs to communities throughout South Australia, including Holiday Swim, Accredited Training, and other various water safety programs.
Royal Society of South Australia
Dedicated to the promotion and advancement of science, with a particular interest in the Natural Sciences.
Royal Zoological Society of South Australia Incorporated
Saving species from extinction by breeding endangered animals and conducting research into animal welfare, as well as connecting people with nature by providing access for the general public and education providers to our zoos.
Senior Golfers' Society of South Australia
Providing news and information about older golfers and associated issues, as well as providing resources of interest to older golfers.
SIDS and Kids South Australia
Promoting a greater understanding of the safe sleep guidelines through education, information and advocacy with the aim of reducing the number of deaths from SIDS and sleep related accidents.
South Australian Sports Federation (Sport SA)
Providing industry advocacy, training and professional support to more than 140 member groups and affiliated bodies.
Sporting Car Club of South Australia Inc
Giving club members and members of the general public the opportunity to compete and experience life in motorsport.
State Opera of South Australia
Upholding its commitment to more opera for more people through the presentation of exceptional productions of the operatic canon alongside engaging productions of contemporary operatic works, all the while championing Australian talent on and off the stage.
Promoting Adelaide as the city designed for life, StudyAdelaide’s key marketing activities include targeted global digital campaigns, country specific websites and social media channels, roadshows and events, and a comprehensive inbound familiarisation program.
UNESCO Clubs - Adelaide Chapter
Workers' Educational Association of South Australia Incorporated
Operating as an innovative, flexible provider of moderately priced adult education services, conducting courses at over 30 locations across metropolitan Adelaide.
Youth Opportunities Australia Limited
Equipping young people with the enterprise skills they need for the future, and developing their wellbeing and resilience to be prepared for any challenges they may face.
Lions Club of the City of Adelaide Incorporated, The - South Australia, District 201 C1
Naval, Military and Air Force Club of SA Inc
Honorary Air Commodore Royal Australian Air Force - No 24 (City of Adelaide) Squadron
Chief Scout/Patron Scouts SA
Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club