School Visits
The Governor in Schools Program provides an opportunity for students learn about the role of the Governor in our democracy and system of Government.

One of the ongoing priorities of the Governor and Mr Bunten is to facilitate an understanding of the role of Governor, particularly among young people.
Her Excellency and Mr Bunten regularly welcome school groups to Government House Adelaide, where they are given an opportunity to tour the working house, learn about the Governor's Constitutional, Ceremonial, and Community roles, and ask questions.
Recognising that not all schools are able to travel to Government House Adelaide, the School Visits program was created to allow students in all regions of South Australia with an opportunity to meet the Governor and Mr Bunten and learn about the role the Governor has in our democracy and system of government.
The program also provides the Governor and Mr Bunten an opportunity to engage directly with South Australian young people, to learn first-hand of their ambitions and concerns, and to encourage and support them in pursuing their goals.
The School Visit program complements a variety of achievement opportunities sponsored by the Governor, including the Governor's Civics Awards for Schools, the Governor's Commendation for Excellence in the SACE, the Governor's Award for Excellence in the International Baccalaureate, and, where applicable, the Governor's Aboriginal Youth Awards.
Schools interested in hosting the Governor and Mr Bunten are encouraged to contact [email protected] to make a request.